Release Blitz: Glow by Kristian Parker

Book Title: Glow (Pleasure Seekers, Book 3)

Author and Publisher: Kristian Parker

Cover Artist: Kelly Martin

Release Date: June 19, 2024

Genre:  Contemporary M/M Romance

Tropes: Workplace romance, opposites attract, love awakening

Heat Rating:  4 flames

Length:  50 040 words/214 pages

It is book 3 in the Pleasure Seekers series and does not end on a cliffhanger. 

The books are best read in order.


Buy Links – Available in Kindle Unlimited

Amazon US   |  Amazon UK 

Searching can uncover unexpected truths


Scott Fitzgerald is looking for love. Both his flatmates have met their forever someones—when will his turn come?

Then things at work get hectic after a consignment of Pleasure Seekers’ finest toys goes missing. There’s a thief in their midst and Scott has to find out who it is. 

Enter Prin Lau, the handsome IT technician who’s escaped Scott’s notice until now. When they’re thrown together, it’s not just the hunt for the villain that makes Scott’s heartrate rocket. 

But Prin has fled to Brighton to escape family problems. When he decides it’s time to face them head-on once and for all, where will that leave a barely begun relationship? 

With so much distraction, Scott must keep his eye on the prize—and come to understand what he’s really willing to fight for…


Prin had taken the table at the rear of the coffee shop. As it was early for a Friday, there weren’t many other customers other than a group of schoolkids and a couple of people on their own. The kids were more interested in being the loudest in the group than anything Prin was up to. As for the others, they were focused solely on their laptops.

Nervously, Prin sipped his hot chocolate.

The door opened and Scott walked in. Butterflies swarmed inside Prin. The whole thing had him on edge. Scott’s model looks didn’t help either.

Scott noticed him and came over. “Prin?”

“That’s right.”

Scott dropped his bag and sat down. Prin barely met his gaze.

Maybe this was a bad idea. It’s too bloody late now.

He shifted in his seat.

“Can I get you anything?”

“No thanks,” Scott replied. “I’ve got to go home and log on after this. How did you get out early without raising suspicion?”

“I often work from home so it wasn’t a big deal,” Prin replied.

Scott looked at him expectantly. For some reason, Prin had no idea how to begin.

“It’s probably nothing—”

“I hope not,” Scott interjected. “I’ve had a shit day. I’m banking on you making it a better one.”

Prin had been right. Scott was a self-absorbed queen. He should never have listened to bloody Colin.


Scott held up his hands. “I’m sorry,” he said. “My stupid mouth. I didn’t mean to sound like an arsehole. The truth is, I have a humdinger of a hangover. But I have no right to take it out on you. Can we start over?”

Prin’s nanny always used to say to him that he shouldn’t judge other people’s actions until he had an idea of what they were going through. Perhaps Prin had Scott wrong after all.

“I’d like that. Are you sure I can’t order you a drink?”

“Go on then,” Scott said. “I’ll have a flat white. It’ll give me the final hit of caffeine to get me home.”

Prin caught the eye of the barista. “Flat white, please.”

“Sure thing.”

Prin turned to Scott.

Fuck he’s too handsome to concentrate.

“Okay,” Scott said. “Let’s have it straight. I promise you it won’t go any further unless you want it to. I think I signed something when I joined that says you can sue me if I tell a soul other than a priest or a dog.”

Scott giggled to himself. Prin took a deep breath. This time he properly regarded the man across from him. His eyes were the most vivid blue Prin had ever experienced. Something radiated from him that gave Prin the trust he’d needed to attack this head on.

“My boss is Richard Brammin.”

“You have my sympathy.”

Prin smiled. “His son, Elliott, works in my team. You probably already know that.”

“Yeah. I’ve had the pleasure of dealing with him. Thick and arrogant. The worst combination going.”

“Agreed,” Prin said, relaxing a little. “Well yesterday he was booking a holiday. I know there’s nothing wrong in that. I guess his manner caught my attention. I overheard his conversation. I wasn’t eavesdropping or anything.”

The barista placed a cup down in front of Scott and left them to it. Prin waited until he was out of earshot.

“He asked his friend to pay and he would give them the cash. He told them they had to do it now. I don’t know. Saying it out loud it sounds ridiculous, but he was definitely on edge. Oh yes and he did say that there’s plenty more where that came from.”

Scott sipped his drink and frowned. “Go on.”

“I happened to mention it to Richard and he got really stressed. He stormed off to speak to Elliott about this holiday.”

Prin worried Scott would lay into him for wasting his time.

“It’s not just that,” Prin continued. “Even before that, I mentioned to Richard about the theft and he told me, in no uncertain terms, that it hadn’t happened in IT. I wasn’t to bring trouble to his door.”

Scott frowned. “Richard Brammin is on more money than you and I combined. Why would he want to rob a load of dildos? It doesn’t make sense.”

Prin stared down at his cup. “I shouldn’t have bothered you. I’m sorry.”

“No,” Scott said. “That’s not what I’m saying. This is suspicious as fuck. Problem is, we need a damned sight more before I can take on Richard Brammin.”

“You believe me then?”

“Of course I do.”

Prin beamed. He had been so sure he was sticking his neck out only to get it chopped off. Now he’d unburdened himself, he felt so much lighter.

“What’s next?”

“Let me sleep on it,” Scott replied. “Don’t mention it to anyone. Have no fear, Prin. I will come up with a plan. I always do.”

Scott followed this up with a wink that went straight to Prin’s groin. Being thrown together with this gorgeous man could be very interesting indeed.

Series Blurb (Three Books)

Pleasure Seekers is the online store for the nation’s naughty needs. It caters to all tastes from edible underwear to lube to things that are a little more niche.

Based in Brighton on the South Coast, Pleasure Seekers’ mission is to revolutionise Britain’s sex life. 

But what kind of person works in a company like this?

Meet Tyler, Eddie and Scott. Three men who are about to have the summer of their lives. 

Who says taking your work home with you is a bad thing?

About the Author 

I have written for as long as I could write. In fact, before, when I would dictate to my auntie. I love to read, and I love to create worlds and characters.

I live in the English countryside. When I’m not writing, I like to get out there and think through the next scenario I’m going to throw my characters into.

Inspiration can be found anywhere, on a train, in a restaurant or in an office. I am always in search of the next character to find love in one of my stories. In a world of apps and online dating, it is important to remember love can be found when you least expect it.

Author Links

Blog/Website  |   Facebook  |  Instagram  |   Newsletter Sign-up  |  TikTok 

Hosted by Gay Book Promotions

Recent Reads: Zest and Thrill

I’ve got two feel-good UK-based contemporary stories from two regular visitors to the blog, Clare London and Kristian Parker, and they are both great reads!

After a charming introduction from Clare London to a suburban London community and a selection of men finding love in The Accidental Baker, this second longer story, Zest, focuses on the burgeoning romance between Donnie (of the baking accidents) and veterinary surgeon Will, newly arrived in the area.

It’s lovely to see the other characters we met in book 1, but Donnie and Will’s age gap and class difference romance rightly takes centre stage. These are both such sympathetic characters, lacking confidence in different ways but absolutely right for each other.

Any misunderstandings on the path to true love seem believable and in character, as these two lovely men negotiate their relationship during the story. This makes Zest a delightful read!

Thrill is a fabulous start to Pleasure Seekers, the new series by Kristian Parker set among the employees of a Brighton-based company making sex toys.

Tyler and Danny are both engaging characters, with their own issues and backstories, and the attraction between them is palpable.

This is a terrific combination of sexy fun (I mean, that’s what the products are for!) and deeper more challenging emotions that make Tyler and Danny’s HEA all the more believable.

I loved the way Kristian set up the factory and introduced us to the staff who will no doubt reappear in later Pleasure Seekers stories. A thoroughly entertaining and emotionally satisfying read.

Release Blitz: Thrill by Kristian Parker

Today on the blog, I’m delighted to welcome the wonderful Kristian Parker and Thrill, the first book in his new Pleasure Seekers series. I can’t wait to read this. Happy release day, Kristian!

Book Title: Thrill (Pleasure Seekers, Book 1)

Author and Publisher: Kristian Parker

Cover Artist: Kelly Martin

Release Date: April 5, 2024

Genre:  Contemporary M/M Romance

Tropes: Friends with Benefits to lovers, workplace romance

Themes: Resolving family issues. Trigger warning – deals with historical suicide attempt

Length:  50 040 words/ 214 pages

Heat Rating:  5 flames

It is not a standalone story, but does not end on a cliffhanger.


Buy Links  Available in Kindle Unlimited

Amazon US  |   Amazon UK


Tyler Jones is celebrating hitting his mid-thirties with a new job and it’s unlike anywhere he’s ever worked before. Pleasure Seekers is an sex toy retail company based in the seaside resort of Brighton. 

On his first day, Tyler finds himself in a very sticky situation with the drop-dead gorgeous Danny Healy. This man is next-level handsome. When Danny offers to help Tyler become personally acquainted with some of the items the company sells online, the heat truly blasts off. 

But Tyler has never been one for meaningless sex. When he gets to know Danny, he finds so much more than he ever expected. What could happen if the lines of their arrangement were blurred a little?

Trigger warning – discussion of historical emotional struggles and attempted suicide.


Taking the opportunity to study his new colleagues, he was excited. Everyone seemed as though they were enjoying one another’s company. Tyler couldn’t wait until he was one of them properly. In his old place he’d largely kept to himself.

Things are looking up.

“Attention, everyone,” Eddie said, clapping his hands together. “Thank you for taking time out of your busy days. I won’t keep you too long. We’ve been given six samples of lube but we’re only taking one. Two at a push. All you have to do is, in pairs, smell the scents and rate them out of five. Easy as that. When you’re done, there’s a free doughnut here for you.”

“I doubt I’ll fancy a glazed ring after sniffing this lot,” a man piped up.

“Thank you, Scott,” Eddie replied. “Helpful as ever. Grab a seat, folks.”

Tyler sat at the nearest table. As the others took their own chairs, it became apparent, to Tyler’s horror, that they were an odd number. No prizes for guessing who the Billy-No-Mates would be.

He’d gone from hero to zero in less than a minute.

Anticipating everyone turning to stare at him, Tyler tried to force a smile on his face.

Then one of the most handsome men Tyler had ever set eyes on walked in. Medium height with a dark brown crew cut and tan skin, he stood in the doorway like some overalls-clad sex god. Tyler was mesmerised.

“Danny,” Eddie said. “Good to see you.”

“Sorry I’m late.”

He looked around the room until his gaze rested on Tyler. A lopsided smile crept onto his face. Tyler suddenly felt very warm.

“No worries,” Eddie said. “Why don’t you go and join Tyler?”

Boom, things were on the up again.

“Lucky Tyler,” Scott added.

Tyler wasn’t easy to embarrass. Yet he could feel his face burning. He nodded at Danny, who slumped down in a chair.

Mercifully, everyone else set about the task in hand.

“Tyler. New starter?” Danny said, giving Tyler a once-over.

“Yes,” Tyler replied. “The Head of Procurement.”

There came the lopsided smile once more. It seemed to mainline straight into Tyler’s gut. And lower.

“How about you?”

Danny tugged at his overalls. “Warehouse.”

Suddenly, the door flung open. A red-faced Barry stood there.

“What do you think you’re doing? No one told me about a lube testing.”

“I didn’t know I had to,” Eddie replied.

“Of course you do,” Barry spluttered. “Then I can put protective coating on the floor. If anyone drops one tiny bit on my new carpet tiles, I will personally supervise you getting it out.”

Not waiting for a reply, he slammed the door shut.

“Please be careful, guys,” Eddie said. “For my sake.”

A ripple of amusement swept through the room.

“Poor old Barry,” Danny said. “Always wanting perfection. He’ll give himself an ulcer one day.”

“He should sample some of the products. There’s a man who needs a prostate massager and no mistake,” Tyler replied.

Danny covered his face. “Don’t put pictures in my head.”

About the Author  

I have written for as long as I could write. In fact, before, when I would dictate to my auntie. I love to read, and I love to create worlds and characters.

I live in the English countryside. When I’m not writing, I like to get out there and think through the next scenario I’m going to throw my characters into.

Inspiration can be found anywhere, on a train, in a restaurant or in an office. I am always in search of the next character to find love in one of my stories. In a world of apps and online dating, it is important to remember love can be found when you least expect it.

Author Links

Blog/Website  |   Facebook  |  Instagram  |   Newsletter Sign-up


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Hosted by Gay Book Promotions

Recent Reads: Cute as Cats and Let it Breathe

This week, as my blog happens to fall on Thanksgiving, I have two wonderfully feel-good stories both set in contemporary London reads from Suki Fleet and Kristian Parker, no strangers to my TBR list as I can’t resist their stories.

Cute as Cats is Suki Fleet’s latest release and Christmas story and it is completely heartwarming. I relished this gorgeous slice of cuteness as shy and awkward Zu goes on a not-date at a central London cat cafe and instead, encounters a deaf pastry chef, Kiitan.

I loved the vulnerability and openness of these two and their connection was so genuine. Add in some torrential rain with a flooding risk, a heap of adorable cats and some beautifully drawn supporting characters and in Cute as Cats, you have the perfect warm and fuzzy Christmas story with plenty of emotional depth.

I make no secret of being a huge fan of Kristian Parker’s ongoing Queen’s Crescent series, so I had to snag Let it Breathe, the recently released fifth story in the series. We’re returning to the superior location of Queen’s Crescent where the other half live for another exuberant romance. This time it’s the turn of reserved Simon, the wine merchant for the crescent, who after coming out and going through a divorce from his wife, is focussing on co-parenting his son, Luca.

But his good intentions go astray when he meets Rodrigo, a Portuguese bar owner who is renovating an exclusive members club locally. This lovely story is the usual combination of glamour, travel, high life and touching romance that I’ve come to expect of a Queen’s Crescent story.

During Let it Breathe, both Rodrigo and Simon have their issues and are not as confident as they might seem, which gives their love story a touch of poignancy. Added to that are Simon’s adorable son, his down-to-earth ex-wife, plus the usual neighbourhood suspects to make this a thoroughly enjoyable and upbeat read. I can’t wait for the next Queen’s Crescent story!

Recent Reads: Public Affair and Putting Down Roots

I have two engrossing, feel-good contemporary romances for this week’s reading blog. Escapism in the nicest possible way! Kristian Parker and his wonderful Queen’s Crescent series feature regularly on these posts and so it’s inevitable that I loved Public Affair, book 4 in the series as much as the preceding stories!

It’s also been a joy to discover a writer fresh to MM Romance. Jem Wendel’s Putting Down Roots, Larchdown Valley book 1, is a great start to this new series.

Public Affair is another winning entry in this thoroughly entertaining series from Kristian Parker. I’m thoroughly enjoying getting to know the inhabitants of exclusive Queen’s Crescent ruled over the all-knowing and slightly terrifying Mrs Wimpole!

It’s the turn of PR guru Nihal to find love in the unexpected shape of political candidate, Carl. I really enjoyed how Nihal was revealed to be a sympathetic and unexpectedly vulnerable character, with the thoroughly decent Carl turning up at the right time in his life. The challenges and twists and turns of their burgeoning relationship, played out in the public eye, kept me thoroughly engaged until their thoroughly deserved HEA. Amongst the terrific supporting cast, it was also lovely to have cameos from recurring characters throughout the series. I hope we get another chance to return soon to Queen’s Crescent!

Putting Down Roots by Jem Wendel is a charming introduction to the quirky, warm and inclusive community of Larchdown Valley.

I enjoyed how we were introduced to this rural idyll by newcomer Jackson, whose van happens to break down as he’s passing through the village and Luca, a sometime occupant, who is returning to inherit Larchdown House, a property he inherited from his great aunt on the outskirts of the village.

Both men have demons from the past and are currently in flux. Gardener Jackson has lost everything in a bitter divorce and artist Luca is seeking refuge after his career is deliberately hijacked by an ex-lover. The way they find peace, friendship, passion and love together while restoring the overgrown gardens of Luca’s house is beautifully depicted. I also enjoyed the supporting characters of the colourful villagers. I look forward to my next visit to lovely Larchdown!

Two Tribes Series Tour by Kristian Parker

I’m delighted to host the fabulous Kristian Parker and Gay Book Promotions today to celebrate the release of Don’t Look Back in Anger and the entire Two Tribes series!


Two Tribes Series by Kristian Parker 

The mean streets of Manchester are the scene for a blood thirsty gang war. But with battle lines drawn, three heroes find themselves falling in love at the worst possible time.

The war for supremacy has begun. 


Book Title: Don’t Look Back In Anger

Author: Kristian Parker

Release Date: May 30, 2023

Genre: Contemporary M/M Romance

Trope: Second chance love

Themes: Gangster, action

Length: 50 123 words

Heat Rating: 4 flames    

It is not a standalone book, but does not end on a cliffhanger.


Buy Links – Available in Kindle Unlimited

Publisher  |  Amazon US  |  Amazon UK 


Revenge is best served cold, yet old embers can burn hot.

Lorenzo de Luca has come back to Manchester with revenge on his mind.

Supposedly killed by evil gangster Jonny Wellingham’s hitmen fifteen years ago, Lorenzo has waited a long time for this. He has to stay focused. And he does…until a past lover comes back into his life.

But old embers can spark a flame and the couple pick up where they left off—but the war has only just begun, and everyone is fair game…and Lorenzo’s distraction gives Jonny the opportunity he needs to strike a deadly blow.

Torn between his burning need for vengeance and the scorching heat of love, which will Lorenzo sacrifice?

Reader advisory: This book contains scenes of violence, murder, organised crime, sex work, and drugs trafficking. There are also instances of homophobia.

Excerpt from Don’t Look Back In Anger

Lorenzo de Luca turned off the motorway into the suburbs of South Manchester. Back in the day, he’d had a little bedsit around here. It had been fifteen years since he’d been here. Surely they hadn’t changed the roads, though.

A building that used to house a tailor’s and now held a vape shop told him he had the right street. As he drove up, his heart sank. The little row of terraced houses that had been converted into bedsits was long gone. A soulless red-brick block sat in its place with a ton of cars outside. He supposed this was progress.

To be fair, the bedsit had been pretty ropey. One of the windows never fully shut and the neighbour used to play music at all hours of the day and night. Lorenzo hadn’t cared. He had been in his twenties and loving that he had a place to call his own. But he wouldn’t be seen dead having a coffee in a place like that these days, never mind staying the night. He had come a long way since those days.

His old home hadn’t been his main destination anyway. He parked up and walked in the footsteps of his twenty-seven-year-old self.

Many a time, he, Jonny and Harry had staggered up this street after spending some of their ill-gotten gains in the bars nearby. They’d been untouchable in those days—Lorenzo and Harry had helped Jonny take control of Manchester’s criminal underworld. Everyone cowered when Jonny Wellingham’s Boys swaggered past—their reputation for swift justice had been earned tenfold.

Lorenzo crossed the road and soon found the path he wanted. It ran up a back alley of the next street. The red brick walls of the terraces hadn’t changed. Memories flooded into his mind like a tsunami.

At the end of the alley, he came to a big car park where he and the lads would set up shop every Wednesday. A regular community operation trading out of a clapped-out Volkswagen campervan. The police had never known a thing.

At the weekends, they’d only dealt in town. However, Jonny had soon realised that a lot of people liked to have their drugs before a night out. So, he would arrange for the van to be in this out-of-the-way spot and punters would come under cover of darkness to do their shopping. One man exclaimed they could only do better if they had a reward points system.

For a moment, Jonny had actually considered it.

A number of public pathways led off the car park. They followed a network of man-made waterways that had been dug to save the area from flooding. As a by-product, they had also created a thriving nature reserve. City dwellers, starved of green space, used them for cycling, jogging and dog walking.

The area had been gentrified since Lorenzo’s day. When he had been here, these walkways were the domain of alcoholics and working girls whose customers didn’t mind a bunk up against a tree. It was hilarious to him that the middle classes now brought their kids here to study wildlife.

Lorenzo hadn’t come here to see insects or birds today. He could remember running through the car park as though the devil himself were after him. Tracing his previous footsteps, knowing what had awaited him that night, sent chills across his skin.

There had been few times in his life when he had experienced real terror. That night, fifteen years ago, still haunted his nightmares.

He’d been watching television in his little flat when they’d burst through the door. Two of them had grabbed his arms while Frank, one of Jonny’s lads, had walked up to him.

Lorenzo and Frank had always got on well. The distress at why they had come to inflict pain on him burnt as hot today as it had then. That was before Lorenzo had learnt that true loyalty was a rare diamond, to be cherished when found.

“Wellingham doesn’t like your sort,” Frank had sneered, grabbing his face. “Shirt-lifters. Problem for you is, he can’t just sack you. That leaves only one way out, Lorenzo.”

A flash of metal told him all he needed to know about Frank’s intentions. Before he could aim, Lorenzo had broken free and leapt through the downstairs window.

The scars on his calves still told that story. His legs had been burning with pain as he’d run across the tarmac, desperate to get to the darkened paths. His thinking had been that he knew this area well. He hoped his attackers didn’t.

Retracing that fateful night, he followed the twists and turns. They seemed so innocent in the cold winter sunlight. He could still remember the taste of metallic dread in his mouth. In those days, Lorenzo had been fast. Yet his pursuers had fanned out so he didn’t know which way to turn. Voices sounding from every angle sent him into a whirlpool of fear and confusion.

He rounded a hawthorn bush and stopped in his tracks. The hairs on the back of his neck stood on end. The little pool where my flight came to an end. The first bullet hit him like a juggernaut smashing into his shoulder. He’d lost his balance and fallen face down into the pool. The pain had seared through his body like hot knives. Instinctively, he reached up and touched where only a scar remained.

Two more bullets had hit him after that, one puncturing a lung. The other had narrowly missed any organs and gone straight through him. Doctors in his future would tell him how lucky he had been. Lying in that ice cold water, waiting to die, luck hadn’t felt very close to him.

He’d silently prayed to God to take him quickly, yet he hadn’t lost consciousness. Instead, he’d lain there, as still as possible, while his would-be assassins discussed if they’d killed him or not. Every second, he expected an insurance bullet to blow his brains out.

Then his hopes had soared when he’d thought they might be retreating. He’d barely been able to trust his ears as the sounds of his attackers faded.

Lorenzo crouched down and ran his hands through the water. The silt made it a dirty brown. He could imagine a time it would have been deep red with his blood.

Standing up, he filled his lungs with Manchester air. “I am back,” he said out loud.

Seeing the place he’d lain, terrified to even breathe, brought a resolve to him. His body had almost frozen as he lay there, waiting to be sure they had gone. Once he could take no more, he had crawled out of the pool, the blood loss and cold making him limp and unable to get up. Instead, Lorenzo had crawled to the car park. Eventually he had got to the main road and thankfully someone driving past had seen him.

They’d saved his life, and he had no idea who they were. He wished he did. They had gone before the paramedics arrived. He supposed they’d recognised him and wanted nothing more to do with it. He could understand that. A man with three gunshot wounds screamed danger. He’d been lucky they’d even dared make the emergency call.

Today he planned to be the one to make an anonymous call. Adrenaline coursed through his veins as he got out the piece of paper with a number written on it. He’d got it from his nephew’s friend. She’d thought he intended to use it to taunt Jonny. In a way he did, although he had a much more important outcome on his mind too.

With a shaking hand, he connected the call.

“Who is this?” came the voice that he hadn’t heard in decades yet still seemed so familiar to him. “This is a private number. How did you get it?”

“It’s a blast from your past,” Lorenzo replied.

“Tell me who you are.”

“Meet me at the location I message to you,” Lorenzo continued. “And all will be revealed. Come alone if you want me to show myself.”

He terminated the call. The fish was on the hook. Now he just had to reel it in.



Book Title: Fool’s Gold

Author: Kristian Parker

Publisher: Pride Publishing

Cover Artist: Erin Dameron-Hill

Release Date: March 14, 2023

Genre Contemporary M/M Romance

Tropes: Forbidden love, opposites attract

Themes: Gangster, action 

Heat Rating: 4 flames    

Length:  52 069 words/233 pages

It is not a standalone book, but does not end on a cliffhanger


Buy Links – Available in Kindle Unlimited

First for Romance  |  Amazon US  |   Amazon UK 


Liam Moseley has been living a lie ever since he joined Manchester’s notorious crime boss Jonny Wellingham ten years ago. Liam is gay, and that could get him killed in the deadly world he has fallen into.

When he meets handsome Italian Marco Ponti, Liam’s whole world is turned on its head. Marco is in town looking for business opportunities for his uncle in Rome, and makes Liam see his life in a brand-new light.

But all is not as it seems, especially when Marco shows Liam the past isn’t always as it appears and the future can change in the blink of an eye. In a dangerous world where each job could be Liam’s last, he finds himself fighting for love as well as survival.

Liam will have to put everything he holds dear on the line to make his dreams come true.

Excerpt from Fool’s Gold

“So you’re Manchester born and bred?” Marco asked.

“Can’t you tell by the accent?” Liam replied.

Marco beamed. “I love the Manc accent. It’s so…expressive.”

“That’s the first time I’ve heard it called that before,” Liam said. “I’d rather have an Italian one.”

“You find it sexy?”

Marco’s eyes dared him to answer honestly. Something about this guy gave Liam confidence. No man had ever had this effect on him. “Yeah, I do,” he replied before glancing down.

“Why do you do that?” Marco asked, leaning forward, his elbows on the table.

“Do what?” he asked.

“Break eye contact every time you say something. Are you ashamed?”

Liam shifted uncomfortably. “No, it’s not that.”

“Tell me what it is, then?” Marco asked, his voice soothing and sincere.

“I guess I don’t think I have anything to say worth listening to,” he replied, eventually.

To his astonishment, Marco’s foot connected with his leg. The pressure told him it was absolutely on purpose.

“I respectfully disagree, Liam. I think I’d listen to you. Whatever you had to say.”

He had that burning sensation on his neck again. It had made him so paranoid at school.

“Sorry, I have made you blush,” Marco continued.

“Don’t worry about it. I always bloody blush. They called me Po at school because of it.”

Marco frowned. “What?”

“The red Teletubby?” Liam expected him to burst into that laughter again. Most people did when he confided this, but instead, Marco just shook his head.

“Kids can be so cruel. But who cares? They are in your past.”

“Yeah, they’re probably sweeping up shit in the hospital now. Serves them right.”

This time Marco did seem amused. “Said with true passion. I like it. So, what do you do, Liam?”

Here it came. The inevitable question. He could hardly say he was a lackey for one of the biggest gangsters in the northwest of England, so he reverted to his stock answer. “Oh, you know, bit of this, bit of that. How about you?”

“As I said, my uncle works in shipping. I’m over here seeing if there is any potential to expand to Manchester.”

Liam nodded. “The city is booming. You could do a lot worse.”

“That’s what I thought. I like what I see more and more.”

The look which followed that statement practically oozed with intent. This time, Liam forced himself to meet Marco’s gaze. “I’ve never been to Italy, but maybe I should,” he replied. “Rome seems pretty good from where I’m sitting.”

“Ah, you definitely should,” Marco said, leaning back. “It is beautiful. I’ve been the length and breadth of it with my job. I worked in Venice recently. Bellissima.”

Liam had seen pictures of the water world on television. “Better than the canals in Manchester. They’re just full of shopping trolleys and used condoms.”

Marco laughed again. It was so loud and carefree that Liam had to stop himself from looking around to see if anyone noticed. But he forced himself to relax and ended up giggling along with him. It had been so long since he’d done something like this.

“This is better,” Marco said.

“What is?”

“You are relaxing. You seemed very tense earlier,” Marco said. “I thought perhaps you’d changed your mind about me.”

“Oh, nothing like that,” Liam said hurriedly. “It’s just that I’m not out, you see. I don’t normally do this.”

Marco’s stunning eyes widened. “Who isn’t out these days?”

Shaking his head, Liam took a swig of his drink. “Me,” he said, placing the drink down. “In my line of work, it isn’t the done thing.”

A group of lads banged through the door. Liam frantically scanned each face but didn’t recognise any of them.

“Wow. I can’t imagine being in the closet. At my eighteenth birthday party, I came out. I figured if I had to enter adulthood, people should know what they were dealing with. Although I like to make a statement now and then. It keeps them on their toes.”

The lads were being quite rowdy. Even the barman appeared nervous.

“You’re very brave,” Liam said.

“Not really. My uncle is gay too, so it was a well-beaten path. No one in our family cares as long as you’re healthy and happy.”

“Sounds perfect.”

Marco chuckled, but Liam couldn’t relax. He watched the group of lads out of the corner of his eye. He could spot trouble a mile off, and these lads were desperate for it.

“We’re a long way from perfect, believe me,” Marco said. “But we get by.”

Liam drained his glass. “You want another?”

Marco shook his head. “There are a lot of things I’d like from you, Liam…but another drink is not one of them.”

The change in tempo took Liam by surprise. Heat crept over his face and he didn’t know what to say in return. He had never been any good at the whole game-playing thing. “Just nipping to the loo,” he managed before bolting for the door.


Book Title: Everything Changes

Author: Kristian Parker

Release Date: April 11, 2023

Genre: Contemporary M/M Romance

Trope: Close proximity

Themes: Gangster, action

Heat Rating: 4 flames    

Length: 50 578 words

It is not a standalone book, but does not end on a cliffhanger


Buy Links – Available in Kindle Unlimited

First for Romance  |  Amazon US  |   Amazon UK 


Fear can open doors we never dreamt possible.

Shaun Moseley is in a trap and it’s all his brother, Liam’ s fault.

Living a normal life running a B&B in Blackpool, he finds himself right in the middle of a gang turf war in Manchester. Shaun is an alien in this horrifying new world of drugs, guns and violence.

Shaun rebels against everyone, isolating himself in the process. But a terrifying experience opens his eyes to gang member Enzo Ponti. Shaun may be trapped for the time being, but that doesn’t mean he can’t have a little fun along the way, right?

He dismissed Enzo as just another hired killer but when he scratches the surface, he finds much more there.

But evil gangster, Jonny Wellingham, wants revenge on the gang and has set his sights on Shaun. Can he live long enough to find just how deep Enzo’ s waters are?

Excerpt from Everything Changes

They stood side by side, watching some birds flocking over the reservoir.

“When I was in a yoga retreat in Kathmandu, they had all sorts of gay-coloured birds,” Shaun said. “All we have are shitty brown things.”

He kicked a stone.

“I’ve seen you doing your yoga,” Enzo said. “Did you learn it on your travels? You should come and do some weights with me and Giovanni. It would be far more beneficial than getting yourself into silly poses.”

“Have you been perving over me then?”

Enzo reddened. “It’s not a big house. You can’t help it.”

Shaun regretted his big mouth. Enzo had done something kind for him and he should make an effort not to shoot him down every time he tried to speak. They wandered a little farther down the path.

“It’s weird to think that my whole childhood was spent in that place,” Shaun said, nodding to Manchester in the distance. “Where did you grow up?”

“I grew up in Rome. Well, a little village about an hour out of the city. I was very lucky in a lot of ways, but…”

Shaun glanced at him. He found him difficult to read, but there was definite pain there.

“But what?”

“Being attracted to men was not part of that world. Not until Uncle Z came. He changed everyone’s view.”

Shaun whirled around. “You’re gay?” he asked in astonishment.

Enzo raised an eyebrow. “Is it so surprising? Marco. Uncle Z.”

“Bloody hell,” Shaun said. “My gaydar is way out of sync.”

“Perhaps if you’d spoken to me once in a while, you’d have had a better chance of figuring me out,” Enzo said.

His words weren’t spiteful but simply stating a fact. A fact Shaun couldn’t even begin to deny. Embarrassment burnt over his skin. He had been behaving obstructively since coming to the farm. Now he could see himself through Enzo’s eyes and he didn’t like it. “Have I been such a bitch?” he ventured.

Enzo glanced over at him and winked. Shaun had noticed that Enzo was handsome—it was impossible not to. But he hadn’t taken the time to see his dark brown eyes or the way they crinkled at the sides when he smiled. Whether it was the fact he’d just saved his life or something deeper, Shaun imagined staring into those eyes and losing himself.

“We should get back,” he said. “I need to finish tonight’s dinner. I know my place and I don’t fancy being shouted at by Marco for not doing it.”

“And there he goes,” Enzo muttered. “Back into his shell. You would find this whole experience a damned sight easier if you were a little nicer to those around you. We are not all villains, you know.”

Once again, a flash of rage blew through Shaun’s system. He didn’t want to be schooled in how to be a gangster. Not by anyone, no matter how deep their eyes were.

“Thank you for the advice on how to survive a fucking gang war that I want nothing to do with,” he snapped. “I was terrified today, Enzo. Do you understand what that means? I can’t just toe the line and chuckle while my brother or any of you go out there time and again. If I get to know you, like you, it just adds to my fears. I can’t do it. I won’t.”

He was babbling now, but his mouth couldn’t seem to stop. To his amazement, Enzo came over and wrapped his arms around him. Shaun fitted perfectly, his head nestling in the crook of Enzo’s neck.

Enzo’s strong arms instantly calmed him and the shivers he had been battling since he got in the car simply disappeared.

“I get terrified too,” Enzo said softly.

“How do you stand it?”

“I have no idea. You’re not the only one in the whirlpool, I suppose.”

Shaun looked up just as Enzo stared down at him. Their lips were almost touching, but then reality hit Shaun like a sledgehammer. Having an affair with a gangster had put his brother in the hospital. He had no intention of spinning that particular bottle.

He broke away, trying to ignore the hurt on Enzo’s face. “They’ll be missing us now,” he said, smoothing down his jacket.

About the Author  

I have written for as long as I could write. In fact, before, when I would dictate to my auntie. I love to read, and I love to create worlds and characters.

I live in the English countryside. When I’m not writing, I like to get out there and think through the next scenario I’m going to throw my characters into.

Inspiration can be found anywhere, on a train, in a restaurant or in an office. I am always in search of the next character to find love in one of my stories. In a world of apps and online dating, it is important to remember love can be found when you least expect it.

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Recent Reads: The Strangest Forms, The Old Wheel and Reality Royal

I have some treats of contemporary reads for you this week from Gregory Ashe and Kristian Parker.  Gregory Ashe is an author I’ve been meaning to read for ages so when I saw he had a YA Gay Romance series reworking of the Sherlock Holmes stories, I decided this was the moment to take the plunge into The Adventures of Holloway Holmes.

I was really intrigued by the blurb for book 1, The Strangest Forms, an American-set, modern-day Holmes story, based on the premise that Sherlock was a real rather than fictional character. So, in a school for troubled rich kids in Utah, the teenage Holloway Holmes (a descendant of Sherlock) is a student, along with a member of the Watson family.

So far, so interesting. But the point of view is from Jack Moreno, also 16, and the son of the school custodian, trying to keep everything together while his dad struggles to recover from brain injury due to a serious car accident that killed Jack’s mother.

Jack grabbed my attention from the start. He’s a street-smart wheeler-dealer but also possesses a huge heart and an overwhelming sense of responsibility. He’s mixed-up, funny, charming and tough and heartbreakingly vulnerable. So when a murder happens at the school and Jack and his dad are under suspicion for the crime, he is forced to join forces with chilly oddball Holloway.

The mystery was pleasingly complex and labyrinthine in true Holmes fashion (I loved all the sly references), but it’s the main protagonists and their growing understanding that makes The Strangest Forms such a fulfilling and hugely engaging read from Gregory Ashe.

Having devoured The Strangest Forms, I had to read The Old WheeI, the second book in the Holloway Holmes series. Although Jack’s life has stabilised slightly following the events of book 1, that doesn’t mean it can’t be turned upside down by his own actions and outside events, especially when he takes on another ‘consulting detective’ case of blackmail.

The mystery in The Old Wheel was complex and multilayered, and the pace never let up, even when it became clear that it was far more sinister than Jack (or this reader) imagined. What I enjoy most about this series is the emotional component. Jack and Holloway might be smart and resourceful but they’re still teenagers. It’s their imperfections that make this story so involving and compelling and makes them both so irresistible as characters. I can’t wait for book 3 which comes out in June.

Poor Kristian Parker must be sick of me mentioning his books on my blog. It’s entirely his fault for being such an entertaining writer! He’s also very prolific and seems to manage juggling at least two different series with ease. His latest release Reality Royal is from his ongoing Queen’s Crescent series, about how the glamorous other half of society lives, set in London’s exclusive Kensington.

I really enjoy how Kristian makes the privileged inhabitants of the crescent so likeable and relatable. Alexander, the MC in Reality Royal was no exception. He may be posh, but he’s also a trier and it seemed only fair that his latest venture into being a tv reality star teams him up with gorgeous soap star and older man Zac.

Their burgeoning romance was nicely contrasted by Alexander’s appallingly manipulative family and also Zac having to face his own shocks and revelations. This mix of steamy romance and emotional turmoil in Reality Royal made both characters all the more endearing and had me cheering on their HEA.

I’ve already said to Kristian that Queen’s Crescent is like a literary version of Made in Chelsea but much more entertaining and with far more realistic characters! I hope fans of the reality tv series will forgive me for that quip!

Recent Reads: Midwinter Firelight and Venetian Valentine

For this week’s Recent Reads, I’ve thoroughly enjoyed two relatively short and contrasting stories by K. L. Noone and Kristian Parker, both must-read authors for me! With some late winter weather cutting across early spring in this part of the world, these heartwarming and diverting stories are the perfect distraction!

Midwinter Firelight is the follow-up to K. L Noone’s Snowed In, continuing  Kit and Harry’s adorable love story set in a magically-enhanced Regency England.  Bow Street Runner Kit is visited in London by his lover Harry, a viscount, who up to this point has spent his entire life marooned in the countryside due to his unprecedented magical powers.

As always, Midwinter Firelight is beautifully written with sumptuous language and descriptions. I really enjoyed how this tender central relationship progresses, the supporting characters and the work of Bow Street’s Preternatural Division which drives the plot. I’m delighted to learn that there may be more stories in this series as Kristin has created a wonderful Regency London world, complete with magical elements. Such a treat!

When I pick up a book by Kristian Parker, I know for sure I’m going to be entertained. A while back, I was lucky enough to win an ebook of Kristian’s first published story Venetian Valentine and was looking forward to having the leisure to dip into this fast-paced and fun story.

Firstly, it’s a sumptuous travelogue, taking in the sights and the delicious food of Venice and other glorious Italian destinations. Then there’s a sweet and hot holiday romance between English tourist Andrew, who’s enjoying some freedom after a bad relationship breakup, and charming local gondolier Sergio. Finally, the plot develops into a full-blown, action-packed James Bond-style caper with plenty of thrills and spills. Like so many of Kristian‘s stories, I found Venetian Valentine wonderfully escapist and thoroughly engaging!

Recent Reads: The King’s Delight and Pole Position

For this week’s book blog, I have two stories from author friends that I’ve been hotly anticipating, a new release, The King’s Delight by Sarah Honey and Pole Position by Kristian Parker, now on pre-release and out on February 2nd.

I was so looking forward to Sarah Honey‘s first solo outing, having thoroughly enjoyed her collaborative stories with Lisa Henry including the hilarious contemporary series, Bad Boyfriends Inc and the wonderfully barking-mad The Adventures in Aguillon, a series set in a historical fantasy world.

For The King’s Delight, Sarah leads us into another deftly drawn historical fantasy setting, the realm of Lilleporth, ruled over by the handsome, charming and occasionally dedicated King Leopold, who when not persuaded by his chief minister to stick to the royal paperwork, enjoys nothing more than bunking off to the royal stables to roam around the countryside on horseback.

This habit brings him into contact with newly appointed Royal Groom, Felix, irreverent, naughty, stubborn and loyal. Their first encounter is funny, disarming and very hot. I really enjoyed how the author conveyed a snapshot overview of Leo’s realm and subjects, more than enough to convince the reader and maintain the plot while concentrating on our couple’s developing relationship and the issues, particularly of succession, that come between the king and his groom. The witty supporting characters are beautifully drawn and made the story even more enjoyable. The King’s Delight is as genuinely delightful as the title. I can’t wait for the next in the series!

I relished Christmas at Queen’s Crescent, the first in this new series by Kristian Parker, which focuses on the fictional and very exclusive Queen’s Crescent in central London for interlinking romances between various residents. So I jumped at the chance of getting an ARC for Pole Position, which concentrates on another of the Crescent’s inhabitants, Charles Worthington, a Formula 1 driver, fighting for his career after a spell in rehab.

I loved the way that Kristian threw us into the fast-paced world of Formula 1 in Pole Position, with all its glamour, excess, competitiveness and pitfalls. Charles is a terrific MC, someone who succumbed to the temptations of the lifestyle and is emerging on the other side, sober, wiser, and a great deal more circumspect. Having been a serial womaniser, he’s now re-thought his sexuality and has privately come to the conclusion that he’s gay.

Enter new teammate Luis Salvatore, his polar opposite (sorry, Kristian, I couldn’t resist!) In contrast to Charles’ hell-raising reputation, Luis is focused, philanthropic and openly gay. The sparks really fly between these two from the word go, both on the race track and in the bedroom.

The high-octane atmosphere of the international racing circuit and celebrity back-stabbing and manoeuvring was hugely entertaining and the plot rolled along very engagingly. With all that high-rolling excess and ambition, I also enjoyed the contrast with Charles’ newly acquired self-knowledge and heart-searching, together with the growing bond between him and Luis which was both scorching hot and romantic. I’m already looking forward to returning to Queen’s Crescent for the next in the series!

Recent Reads: Where Forever Started, Christmas at Queen’s Crescent, Like A Charm and A Very Bagpuss Christmas

As this is the week before Christmas and there are so many wonderful seasonal stories floating around, I couldn’t resist choosing some Christmas tales for this week’s Recent Reads. In fact, I had trouble containing my list to only four stories!

I love everything Barbara Elsborg writes and I can’t resist her sunshine characters. Despite their adverse circumstances they keep smiling and shining bravely, and the lovely Barney in Where Forever Started is a winning example. Set in contemporary Brighton, England, this is a heartwarming Christmas miracle story as Barney, having been overlooked by his neglectful family at Christmas, comes to the rescue of homeless man Raf who risks being beaten up by a gang of roughs on the street.

Being a thoroughly good person, Barney ploughs into the fray despite his admission that his superpower is screaming very loudly and running away!  Once the two find temporary safety in an office block where Barney has a night shift cleaning job, he begins to realise that handsome Raf is a man of mystery at odds with his first impressions. Where Forever Started is a delightful romance with all the Christmas feels!

I was lucky enough to win a copy of Christmas at Queen’s Crescent by Kristian Parker, a story I’d already earmarked for my TBR list. Thank you, Kristian!  This warm and charming contemporary Christmas tale ticked all the seasonal boxes for me. I really enjoyed the disarming balance of comfortable affluence with emotional vulnerability as recently bereaved Jeremy, a twenty-something from Toronto arrives in London’s exclusive Kensington and fictional Queen’s Crescent.

It might be a rarified area, but Kristian Parker makes it warm and welcoming, filling the crescent with quirky characters and famous and beautiful people in an entirely likeable way. The cosy neighbourhood atmosphere sets up the Christmas romance between slightly lost rich kid Jeremy and fiercely working-class Scot, Stuart, the local florist.

I’m delighted that this will be an ongoing series and am looking forward to more trips with freshly burgeoning cosy romances amongst the residents of Queen’s Crescent. Perfect escapism!

By chance, I came across a new Christmas short by Jordan Castillo Price that I had to snag immediately. Like A Charm might be short on word count, but the writer creates a complete world in a handful of pages. Introvert Goth Rowan with his quiet magical skill of invisibility is so endearing, as is his sassy magically talented grandmother who persuades shy Rowan to attend a Christmas Ugly Sweater party and contest and even provides the garment.

The awkward situational humour at the party is delightful, especially when where Rowan meets equally lovely and socially inept Finn. I found this sweet short to be disarming, funny and insightful with a perfect romantic match!

Finally, as a bonus, there’s a free Christmas read on Jackie Keswick’s website! A Very Bagpuss Christmas is a contribution to the wonderful Rainbow Advent Calendar, a Facebook group organised by hardworking group moderators where generous authors are giving away a story on each day of Advent.

This is a short Jack and Gareth story set in the Power of Zero universe, an addictive romantic suspense series about the twilight world of secret services, both formal and informal. The storyline follows on from Mouse Hunt, the excellent first story in the Dwight & Conrad Case Files spinoff series, in which Jack investigated the unexplained death of his friend and mentor Jon.

In A Very Bagpuss Christmas, Jack, restless and still grieving, decides to escape his gloom by taking his partner Gareth and their adopted teenage sons away to Tokyo for a surprise Christmas trip. However, Bagpuss, the cat inherited from Jon throws a spanner in his plans as Jack discovers that cat kennels have no last-minute vacancies during busy holiday periods.

This quiet, reflective story reveals the true meaning of Christmas and family, especially found family, where Jack learns that sharing his feelings is neither a weakness nor an imposition. I found it a heartwarming tale set amongst much-loved characters that have developed along with this wonderful story universe.

Wishing you all a very Happy Holiday season with plentiful Christmas reads!