Rainbow Snippets: Twelve Letters

For this week for Rainbow Snippets, I have another snippet from Twelve Letters which is still only 99p until the end of June in the $2.99 and under Bookfunnel Pride Promo.


This under-15k-word novella starts off my ongoing Twelve Letters series with an ensemble cast and some Regency shenanigans!

Authors who take part in Rainbow Snippets each weekend are encouraged to post a few lines from one of their stories on their blog and then link back to the group post on Facebook. I always enjoy joining in with Rainbow Snippets, especially to read and comment on everyone else’s choice of snippet.

I’m continuing from last week’s snippet, where MC Jo Everett attempts to persuade his irascible friend, Captain Ben Harding against fighting a duel. Having been successful, Jo arranges to meet the other party, Edward Stephens, at a coffee house. Edward is a newly qualified doctor who Jo suspects of having a tendre for Ben…


“Mr. Everett,” Stephens began formally as he reached the table. “I can’t thank you enough for your swift communication in this matter. I am forever in your debt.”

“Don’t give it a second thought, old fellow. And do sit down,” Jo said amiably. “You’ll give me a crick in the neck if I have to keep peering up at you.”

As requested, the young doctor sat opposite Jo. “I feel I owe you my undying gratitude,” he said earnestly.

“Pish,” Jolyon replied airily. “It was a storm in a teacup as far as I am concerned, my dear chap. As I have said to Ben repeatedly, I felt this was merely a misapprehension all along.”

Rather than looking reassured, Stephens’ expression became even more miserable and pinched.

“I shouldn’t have drunk so much,” he said straightforwardly, “I don’t normally. It was meant to be a celebration of my qualifications and I’m not used to such grand surroundings,” he said, referring to the exclusive gentleman’s club that he and his drunken cronies had hazily patronized after several taverns. “Captain Harding is the last person in the world I would have offended,” he said, a flush rising on his cheeks as he took a sip of the strong brew, a speciality of the house.

Jo noticed that tell-tale color with interest. Ah, I thought so, he concluded with some satisfaction.

Rainbow Snippets: Held Close to My Heart

This week for Rainbow Snippets, I’m snipping from my June bookversary story, Held Close to My Heart, which I can scarcely believe has been published for 2 years!

Held Close to my Heart and all my stories are included in the Father’s Day weekend 45% off ebook sale at JMS Books until Monday, June 17th.

Authors who take part in Rainbow Snippets each weekend are encouraged to post a few lines from one of their stories on their blog and then link back to the group post on Facebook. I always enjoy joining in with Rainbow Snippets, especially to read and comment on everyone else’s choice of snippet.

Held Close to My Heart is set in 17th century Oxfordshire and relates the love story between two very different young men. Luke is the clever, bookish dutiful son who runs the family farm with his disabled father while Jem, his boyhood best friend and lover since adulthood, is a social butterfly who spends much of the year in London at the decadent court of King Charles II.

This is a story of miscommunication, told from Luke’s point of view as Jem spends the summer at home, along with some visitors from the royal court. Luke is desperately in love with Jem and jealous of any rivals for his attention, but cannot bring himself to admit his feelings in case Jem rejects him.

This unresolved tension inevitably affects their close friendship over the course of the summer. This snippet shows a brief respite between them when Jem offers to help Luke’s family with their harvest. After a long day in the fields, the two young men go for a swim in the nearby river.


We were both laughing as Jem rose in the water, his hair clinging halfway down his back, rivulets streaming over his body, and droplets of water in his eyelashes.

“I think we’re soaked through enough now,” he joked as we waded to the shore.

Naked, we lay contentedly side by side, letting the sun and the breeze do their work. After a while, Jem knelt to wring out his wet hair, leaning over the edge of the riverbank, squeezing out the excess moisture from his long mane. As I watched, he wrinkled his nose at me, “Damned impractical,” he said, tossing the damp strands over his shoulder, shaking his head from side to side like a wet dog attempting to dry its coat.

I deliberately ran my hand through my shorter hair as though to demonstrate a superior style, “You should crop it like mine, then you can wear a fancy wig like a proper courtier,” I said. In reply, Jem casually bent further over the water and scooping up a handful, he threw it over my nearly dry form.

“Wretch,” I laughed, playfully reaching out to grab him in a mock fight, but with ease of long practice, he leaned backwards out of my grasp.

“Can’t catch me,” he teased as I lunged for him again, and he swerved away, as supple as a snake.

Then to my surprise, he halted, allowing himself to be caught, and we fell together, my superior weight on top of him, pinning him to the grassy bank.

“You lose! What’s your forfeit?” I asked in triumph.

“A kiss,” he smiled up at me, eyes as blue as a cloudless sky.

Rainbow Snippets: Twelve Letters

I’m still in my Twelve Letters series mode for this weekend’s Rainbow Snippets! The first story in the series, Twelve Letters is reduced to 99p throughout June in the Pride Sale! $2.99 and Under Bookfunnel promo, together with some fabulous bargains from over 50 authors.


Authors who take part in Rainbow Snippets each weekend are encouraged to post a few lines from one of their stories on their blog and then link back to the group post on Facebook. I always enjoy joining in with Rainbow Snippets, especially to read and comment on everyone else’s choice of snippet.

Twelve Letters is an under 15k-word story, set in Regency London with an ensemble cast revolving around some missent letters, romantic confusion and a possible duel. This snippet, taken from early on in the story is from the point of view of MC Jolyon Everett as he tries his best to dissuade his best friend Ben Harding from fighting that ill-advised duel with young Edward Stephens.


Jolyon arrived at the Piccadilly quarters of one of his closest friends, Captain Ben Harding. Despite the early hour, he was unsurprised to see that gentleman ready for the day, his long trousers and gleaming Hessians hiding his missing foot, the result of an injury at Badajoz, and wearing a ferocious expression. With his smouldering dark eyes and wayward curls, he could be compared to the notorious poet, Lord Byron, but Jolyon knew better than to voice that opinion to avoid being skewered by the poker within reach on the hearth. 

“I know why you’re here, Jo,” Ben said to him, waving him into the other armchair at the side of the fireplace while he poured coffee for them both, “and you won’t coax me to soften my resolve.”

“I think this has all been a misunderstanding,” Jo replied patiently, as though he hadn’t spent hours of the previous evening, or rather early morning, trying to persuade an irascible Ben to pardon the unfortunate young man who had caused him such dire offence.

“That damned stripling belittled me,” Ben said, with a glare as hot and black as the scalding coffee.

“On the contrary, I don’t think that was his intention,” Jo corrected him gently. “The lad is quite new to town ways and was deeply in his cups. We’ve all been there,” he shrugged forgivingly.

Ben merely snorted his disagreement, and Jo wouldn’t have been surprised to see steam emanating from his nose. He had the mental image of Ben as a bull, a ring through his nose, pawing the ground in rage, raising a cloud of dust.

Rainbow Snippets: May Wedding

This week for Rainbow Snippets, I’m snipping from May Wedding which recently had its first bookversary. Better late than never!

May Wedding is book 6 in my Twelve Letters Regency novella series, following my ensemble cast of gentlemen about London as they find true love and a found family. This is a timely snippet as Twelve Letters, the first 15k-word novella in the series is in the LGBT+ Pride Sale! $2.99 and Under Bookfunnel promo. So during June, Twelve Letters is reduced to 99c.


Authors who take part in Rainbow Snippets each weekend are encouraged to post a few lines from one of their stories on their blog and then link back to the group post on Facebook. I always enjoy joining in with Rainbow Snippets, especially to read and comment on everyone else’s choice of snippet.

May Wedding depicts two very different weddings. One is the lavish society wedding of Araminta, one of Percy Havilland’s beloved sisters, and the other is a very private, unofficial and informal affair between one of my established couples, Jo Everett and Daniel Walters.

For this week’s snippet from May Wedding, I’m concentrating on Araminta and Hugh’s nuptials or rather Percy’s impressions and emotions caused by his sister’s big day.

After a family scandal, Percy provided a home for his three teenage sisters and despite spiteful gossip, launched them successfully into society. Percy is not only a fiercely protective older brother but a fashionista control freak in the extreme. So he has overseen every aspect of the wedding, determined that Araminta’s special day will be perfect.

Here are Percy’s private thoughts when the ceremony is successfully concluded and he is ruminating over recent events at the celebratory wedding breakfast.


He had caught a brief heated flash of interest from Nathan in church, when his lover first laid eyes on Percy, delectably clad in tight-fitting dove grey. It seemed only fair to allow Nathan to appreciate the full effect behind closed doors where he could slowly remove every layer.

After being such a faithful knight during the wedding campaign, tolerating the worst of Percy’s barbs and inconsistencies, Nathan deserved a leisurely reward.

Also, losing himself in the intense, deliberate, and mind-numbing loving that only Nathan could give, Percy could glory in the achievement of the nuptials without dwelling too much on the lack of Araminta at home.

Anticipating such a sweet release, Percy put his glass on the table and ran an elegant middle finger around the rim before dipping it in the fizzing liquid. As he raised the digit to his lips, he looked directly at Nathan, allowing the promise of a flash of tongue as he delicately sucked on his fingertip.

Nathan adroitly responded to a remark from his near neighbour, only a faint flush of colour on his cheekbones betraying his response to Percy’s teasing. I’ll pay for that later, Percy thought with a pleasurable squirm.

Rainbow Snippets: An Unlikely Alliance

This weekend, I’m snipping from my latest release, An Unlikely Alliance, currently in the 45% off ebook Memorial Day weekend sale at JMS Books, together with all my stories until Monday, May 27th.

Authors who take part in Rainbow Snippets each weekend are encouraged to post six or so lines from one of their stories on their blog and then link back to the group post on Facebook. I always enjoy joining in with Rainbow Snippets, especially to read and comment on everyone else’s choice of snippet.

I thoroughly enjoyed writing An Unlikely Alliance, an MMM Regency romance set in London and featuring three distinct characters, Clem, Abe and Humphrey who share an attraction that leads to romance. Their alliance isn’t just amorous as they find they have an enemy in common.

In my previous snippet from An Unlikely Alliance, Clem, a private secretary, confessed to semi-criminal Abe how Richard Farquarson, his previous employer, blamed him for the theft of some important documents resulting in Clem’s dismissal.

In this snippet, we learn that Humphrey, a modest gentleman, on an evening out at Almack’s Assembly Rooms, also has a grievance against Farquarson…


The gentleman who had caught Humphrey’s deliberation was nothing out of the ordinary in the hallowed regions of Almack’s. He was decidedly handsome and charming, and was most assiduous with the young lady he was escorting, but Humphrey was not fooled by that façade.

Richard Farquarson’s name was mud where the Atkinsons were concerned, a branch of the family having come across him at a country house party some months previously. Humphrey had discovered this after the event, summoned to support his unmarried cousin in her distress. Farquarson was as foul as he seemed fair.

So he’s in town, is he? he thought grimly.

Rainbow Snippets: An Unlikely Alliance

For this week’s Rainbow Snippets, I have another snippet from my recent release, An Unlikely Alliance which is a 27k MMM Regency novella and in the 45% off Mother’s Day weekend sale with all my ebooks at JMS Books until midnight EST on May 12th.

Authors who take part in Rainbow Snippets each weekend are encouraged to post six or so lines from one of their stories on their blog and then link back to the group post on Facebook. I always enjoy joining in with Rainbow Snippets, especially to read and comment on everyone else’s choice of snippet.

In the past two snippets from An Unlikely Alliance, I’ve focussed on the initial attraction between our trio. But there is another element that brings these three men together in the form of a revenge plot.

In this snippet, Clem unburdens to Abe what went so badly wrong in his recent past and names the culprit of his undoing.


Abe felt emboldened to ask, “What happened?”

“Hubris,” Clem said. “I was dazzled, mixing with the high and mighty at Oxford as though I was one of them, even though I was a scholarship student. One of my tutors even encouraged me to return for a further degree once I had sufficient funds. I dreamed that one day, I’d teach at my old college.” His sigh was that of an utterly disillusioned man. “I was such a fool to believe I had a chance at any of that.”

“Not foolish at all. I’m sure you were given to believe that was possible.”

“And that’s what caught me out. I rue the day I ever laid eyes on Richard Farquarson. That I believed his promises and accepted his friendship. He didn’t need a secretary but a dupe, and who better than a penniless orphan to take the fall?”

Rainbow Snippets: An Unlikely Alliance

I’m snipping from my brand-new release this weekend for Rainbow Snippets! An Unlikely Alliance is a 27k-word MMM Regency novella and is currently 45% off in JMS Books’ Cinco de Mayo ebook sale from May 4th – 5th. with all my stories. This story is also available in JMS Books’ Regency Lovers Trio collection with MMM stories by K.L. Noone and Alexandra Caluen, included in the sale.

Authors who take part in Rainbow Snippets each weekend are encouraged to post six or so lines from one of their stories on their blog and then link back to the group post on Facebook. I always enjoy joining in with Rainbow Snippets, especially to read and comment on everyone else’s choice of snippet.

I introduced Clem and Abe, two of my Regency trio in my first snippet from An Unlikely Alliance. In this snippet, we encounter Humphrey, an unassuming gentleman, who has already met and been seduced by blond and winsome Clem and, in a busy tavern, is about to meet his other match in piratical Abe.


Humphrey was dawdling indecisively when the blond looked up. Humphrey was neatly hooked by that sultry grey gaze. The man nudged his friend. He whispered a few words in his ear, from which hung a gold hoop. The other man grinned and looked Humphrey up and down in a far too knowledgeable way.

Oh good heavenshas he told him? Humphrey felt hot and cold and flustered all at once. He didn’t know whether to be flattered, alarmed, or horrified.

Rainbow Snippets: An Unlikely Alliance

This weekend for Rainbow Snippets, I’m snipping from my upcoming story, An Unlikely Alliance, released on May 4th. This Regency MMM novella is published concurrently with two other stories, The Hunting Box by Alexandra Caluen and As Many Stars by K.L. Noone.

These three stories are published separately and also together as Regency Lovers Trio stories for the JMS Books Trio story submission call. They are available at Amazon, and other outlets and are currently in the 20% off pre-release/new release sale at JMS Books until May 10th.

Authors who take part in Rainbow Snippets each weekend are encouraged to post six or so lines from one of their stories on their blog and then link back to the group post on Facebook. I always enjoy joining in with Rainbow Snippets, especially to read and comment on everyone else’s choice of snippet.

An Unlikely Alliance takes place in Regency London where three very different men meet and act on their attraction. In this snippet, we have two out of three of my MCs, Clement Metcalf, a private secretary and Abe Pengelly, an almost reformed criminal who deals in the trading of information.

This snippet is from Clem’s point of view, introducing us to his associate, friend and lover Abe.


Last summer, when in dire straits and in need of ready cash, Clem had been directed towards Abe and had never regretted making the connection.

Abe put down his pen and blew on the paper to dry the ink. Only then did he focus on his visitor.

His eyes, so dark brown to be almost black, were full of sharp intelligence, one of the reasons why Clem repeatedly turned to Abe for their intercourse in all its forms.

“What do you have for me today?”

Abe smiled, transforming his face from grim to attractive.

Rainbow Snippets: London in the Rain

This week for Rainbow Snippets, I’m choosing to snip from London in the Rain, one of my April bookversary stories. This story, available in Kindle Unlimited, is currently in the Spend Easter with Queer Romance in KU Bookfunnel promo until the end of April.

London in the Rain is also included with all my stories in the 45% off ebook Spring Sale at JMS Books this weekend through Monday, April 22nd.

Authors who take part in Rainbow Snippets each weekend are encouraged to post six or so lines from one of their stories on their blog and then link back to the group post on Facebook. I always enjoy joining in with Rainbow Snippets, especially to read and comment on everyone else’s choice of snippet.

London in the Rain is set in London in the mid 1930s whose persona as a dried-up bachelor and a clerk in an insurance office disguises that he’s a sexually active gay man. His penchant for brief and furtive liaisons changes when he meets the charming David at Charlie’s, a discreet Soho bar. This snippet is taken from their first conversation…


Raymond took a sip of his fresh drink, letting the fine whisky roll around his mouth.

“By the way,” the man said, “I don’t know your name. How remiss of me. I’m David Carstairs.”

Taken aback by such openness, Raymond paused before he shook the proffered hand, his own captured briefly by a warm, firm grip.

“Raymond Smith,” he muttered in response. Meeting David’s amused, slightly disbelieving glance, he laughed and said, “No, it’s not a false name.”

“There are plenty of genuine Smiths in the world, I suppose,” David said lightly. “And not merely assumed for reasons of disguise.”

Raymond felt keenly aware of their surroundings and all the secrets this place of assignation held, including his own.

Rainbow Snippets: Lucky in Love

This weekend for Rainbow Snippets, I’m snipping again from Lucky in Love, my new release set in the 17th century at the start of the Restoration era, featuring Owen and John, my established couple from last year’s novella, Lucky John.

Authors who take part in Rainbow Snippets each weekend are encouraged to post a few lines from one of their stories on their blog and then link back to the group post on Facebook. I always enjoy joining in with Rainbow Snippets, especially to read and comment on everyone else’s choice of snippet.

In Lucky in Love, Owen and John are summoned by Owen’s courtier brother Lewis from the peace of the countryside to the hurly-burly of the royal court. In this snippet, they have just arrived at Lewis’ quarters and meet Cuthbert, a palace page as worldly as John is innocent. This snippet is a bit longer than usual, but I couldn’t resist including all the fun!


“My name is Cuthbert, and I am acting as a page to Sir Lewis. Can I be of assistance, sir?” he asked from under his long dark eyelashes, leaving Owen with no doubt as to what service he offered. Thankfully, John was occupied in unpacking Owen’s shirts and didn’t hear the obvious note of seduction in the page’s voice.

“I can fend for myself and I have my own man to see to my needs,” Owen said decisively. He had no intention of removing his clothes in front of the page if his hands were as eager as the hungry promise in his eyes. Owen fished some coins out of his pocket for the expected tip.

The page inclined his head. “If it so pleases you. Sir Lewis told me to fetch the barber and then to choose a suit of clothing for you to wear. He said he trusted my taste implicitly.” He eyed Owen in a disturbingly speculative way. Owen was caught between annoyance and arousal. I am only human, he thought, and the invitation was blatant.

By this stage, John had caught the drift of the servant’s importuning.

“Then we won’t keep you from your pressing tasks,” he said firmly, “since I alone will serve my master.”

The page took the obvious claim of ownership with good grace.

“Very well,” he said with a sly smile. “I will go about my duty.”

“And please knock when you return,” John said sweetly as the door closed.