Rainbow Snippets: Twelve Letters

It’s very fortuitous that Rainbow Snippets Saturday has fallen on the release day for my new story, Twelve Letters!

Authors who take part in Rainbow Snippets are encouraged to post a few lines from one of their stories on their blog and then link back to the group post on Facebook. I always enjoy reading everyone else’s snippets!

Twelve Letters was written for JMS Books’ 12th Anniversary submission call, where stories had to be based around the number twelve. It’s currently on 20% off in the JMS pre-release/new release sale with an additional 12% July anniversary discount. It’s also included in the July Smashwords 50% sale. As I write historical stories, a tale where the sending (or missending) of letters dictates the plot seemed irresistible!

This is a fun MM Regency romp featuring an ensemble cast of gentlemen and unexpected romance. My snippet is taken from the first chapter of my story, where my main character, Jolyon Everett has written a love note to his impossibly spoiled current squeeze Percy, before dashing off to dissuade his best friend from fighting a duel.

Setting off toward Piccadilly, he smiled at the thought of the reception of his letter to his paramour, Percy Havilland, who liked nothing so much as words of worshipful fervour to rouse his ardour and retain his fluctuating interest. 

Percy was a veritable Adonis with blond curls, large blue eyes, kissable lips and the most delectable arse in London. It was also a very popular arse, given any discreet gossip among men of their tastes. “Changes his lovers as often as his drawers,” one gentleman had said rather wistfully. 

Jolyon knew he was fortunate to have those dazzling sapphire eyes stray his way, and even if the affair didn’t last until the end of the Season, he was doing his best to hold Percy’s flickering attention for as long as he could. He’d been rather pleased with his turn of phrase, flowing over two pages, painstakingly penned at his writing desk, while he was wrapped in his banyan. When glancing through the note, Jo rather smugly judged his tone to be the correct combination of slavish devotion and utter filth to garner an enthusiastic reception.

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