Rainbow Snippets: May Wedding

This week for Rainbow Snippets, I’m snipping from May Wedding which recently had its first bookversary. Better late than never!

May Wedding is book 6 in my Twelve Letters Regency novella series, following my ensemble cast of gentlemen about London as they find true love and a found family. This is a timely snippet as Twelve Letters, the first 15k-word novella in the series is in the LGBT+ Pride Sale! $2.99 and Under Bookfunnel promo. So during June, Twelve Letters is reduced to 99c.


Authors who take part in Rainbow Snippets each weekend are encouraged to post a few lines from one of their stories on their blog and then link back to the group post on Facebook. I always enjoy joining in with Rainbow Snippets, especially to read and comment on everyone else’s choice of snippet.

May Wedding depicts two very different weddings. One is the lavish society wedding of Araminta, one of Percy Havilland’s beloved sisters, and the other is a very private, unofficial and informal affair between one of my established couples, Jo Everett and Daniel Walters.

For this week’s snippet from May Wedding, I’m concentrating on Araminta and Hugh’s nuptials or rather Percy’s impressions and emotions caused by his sister’s big day.

After a family scandal, Percy provided a home for his three teenage sisters and despite spiteful gossip, launched them successfully into society. Percy is not only a fiercely protective older brother but a fashionista control freak in the extreme. So he has overseen every aspect of the wedding, determined that Araminta’s special day will be perfect.

Here are Percy’s private thoughts when the ceremony is successfully concluded and he is ruminating over recent events at the celebratory wedding breakfast.


He had caught a brief heated flash of interest from Nathan in church, when his lover first laid eyes on Percy, delectably clad in tight-fitting dove grey. It seemed only fair to allow Nathan to appreciate the full effect behind closed doors where he could slowly remove every layer.

After being such a faithful knight during the wedding campaign, tolerating the worst of Percy’s barbs and inconsistencies, Nathan deserved a leisurely reward.

Also, losing himself in the intense, deliberate, and mind-numbing loving that only Nathan could give, Percy could glory in the achievement of the nuptials without dwelling too much on the lack of Araminta at home.

Anticipating such a sweet release, Percy put his glass on the table and ran an elegant middle finger around the rim before dipping it in the fizzing liquid. As he raised the digit to his lips, he looked directly at Nathan, allowing the promise of a flash of tongue as he delicately sucked on his fingertip.

Nathan adroitly responded to a remark from his near neighbour, only a faint flush of colour on his cheekbones betraying his response to Percy’s teasing. I’ll pay for that later, Percy thought with a pleasurable squirm.

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